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Essential Information

Name Guildford Circle 179
Location Clandon Regis Golf Club
Meetings 1st Wed in the Month
Contact Tony Eneh 
07863 450140

Catenians in Guildford

The Guildford Catenian Circle, which was formed over fifty years ago, numbers about 60 members drawn from an area stretching from Guildford to Haslemere and from Farnham to Leatherhead.


The circle is highly active and meets monthly with each meeting beginning with prayers followed by a roundup of administrative, financial, social and religious affairs. There is no secrecy.


Afterwards, members enjoy dinner in a congenial atmosphere with opportunities to discuss business and the family life of "brothers" who share the same values and faith. Visitors from other circles are always welcome and members are encouraged to attend the meetings and social occasions of other circles to strengthen and increase their circle of friends.


Guildford Circle produces a packed and varied programme of events including concert/theatre trips and ladies evenings, ten-pin bowling, tennis, cricket, golf, squash, badminton, bridge, and darts and even croquet and ''ironman" occasions. There are also Christmas outings, weekends away and an annual clergy night to which the local parish priests are invited to dine as guests of Circle. Members go to Mass as a group several times a year. Nationally they meet with a large number of other circles for an Annual Conference.


Over many years the Association- The Catenians- has held its attraction and even today suffers little from falling numbers. The Guildford Circle continues to succeed because Catholic business and professional men of all ages see the value of maintaining strong social friendships with their fellow Catholics.


Find out more


If you respect the values of the Catholic and wish to meet like minded individuals that value friendship and family life then the Catenians is for you. To find out more go to our Join Us page.

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